create method

void create(
  1. String name,
  2. String cmisAction, {
  3. String? typeId,
  4. String? parentId,
  5. String? parentPath,
  6. String? content,
  7. String? mimeType,
  8. Map<String, String>? customProperties,

Create item, see the supporting documentation as to what this currently supports.


void create(String name, String cmisAction,
    {String? typeId,
    String? parentId,
    String? parentPath,
    String? content,
    String? mimeType,
    Map<String, String>? customProperties}) {
  if (repositoryId == null) {
    throw CmisException('create() expects a non null repository Id');

  var url = _getRootFolderUrl();
  if (parentPath != null) {
    url = '$url/$parentPath';
  dynamic data = jsonobject.JsonObjectLite<dynamic>();
  dynamic formData = _environmentSupport.formData();
  var useFormData = false;

  // Headers, we only create documents or folders */
  final headers = <String, String>{};

  if (typeId == 'cmis:folder') {
    headers['content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
  } else {
    if (formData != null) {
      useFormData = true;

  // Properties for normal POST submit
  if (!useFormData) {
    data.cmisaction = cmisAction;
    final properties = <String, String>{};
    properties['cmis:name'] = name;
    if (parentId != null) {
      properties['objectId'] = parentId;
    if (typeId != null) {
      properties['cmis:objectTypeId'] = typeId;
    if (content != null) {
      properties['content'] = content;

    // Add any supplied custom properties
    if (customProperties != null) {

    // Construct the final data set
    var index = 0;
    final jsonMap = <String, String>{};
    properties.forEach((dynamic key, dynamic value) {
      final propId = 'propertyId[$index]';
      final propValue = 'propertyValue[$index]';
      jsonMap[propId] = key;
      jsonMap[propValue] = value;

    formData = null;
  } else {
    // Form data interface for stream/content interfaces
    formData.append('cmisaction', cmisAction);
    formData.append('PropertyId[0]', 'cmis:name');
    formData.append('PropertyValue[0]', name);
    if (typeId != null) {
      formData.append('PropertyId[1]', 'cmis:objectTypeId');
      formData.append('PropertyValue[1]', typeId);
    if (parentId != null) {
      formData.append('PropertyId[2]', 'objectId');
      formData.append('PropertyValue[2]', parentId);
    final blobParts = <String?>[];
    final dynamic theBlob = _environmentSupport.blob(blobParts, mimeType);
    formData.appendBlob('content', theBlob);
    data = null;

  _httpRequest('POST', url, data: data, headers: headers, formData: formData);