
This is a package that allows you to use the cloudpayments sdk in Flutter.

Important! The package is under development. Currently, only the android platform with incomplete functionality is available

Start steps

  1. Add maven { url '' } in your android/build.gradle, in allprojects/repositories
  2. Check you min sdk in android/app/build.gradle. It will be is 24.
  3. Use package from CloudpaymentsPlus

If you have version errors, then do the following:

  1. Check your Gradle version in android/build.gradle under buildscript/dependencies for If the VERSION is below 8.1.0
    1. Change it to 8.1.0.
    2. Open android/gradle/wrapper/ and change distributionUrl=gradle-VERSION-bin/ to (or a newer version).


Create cryptogram

To create a cryptogram, you just need to write the following code.

    final cloudpaymentsPlusPlugin = CloudpaymentsPlus();
    final card = BankCard(cardNumber: '9643834269787095', cardCvc: '110', cardDate: '02/2028');

    final cryptogram = await cloudpaymentsPlusPlugin.createCryptogram(card: card, publicId: 'your publicId', publicKey: 'your publicKey');