createRecordStructures static method

void createRecordStructures(
  1. List<Type> classTypes

Create CKRecordStructure objects from the provided annotated model classes.


static void createRecordStructures(List<Type> classTypes)
  Map<Type,CKRecordStructure> recordStructures = {};

    ClassMirror currentClassMirror = reflector.reflectType(currentType) as ClassMirror;

    var ckRecordType = currentType.toString(); // default to local name if none is provided in a CKRecordTypeAnnotation
    if (_isTypeInArray<CKRecordTypeAnnotation>(currentClassMirror.metadata)) // if a CKRecordTypeAnnotation is found above the class declaration ...
      var typeAnnotation = _getTypeFromArray<CKRecordTypeAnnotation>(currentClassMirror.metadata);
      ckRecordType = typeAnnotation.type; // ... set the ckRecordType to the name in the annotation

    var recordStructure = CKRecordStructure(currentType, ckRecordType, currentClassMirror); // create a CKRecordData object to track local and ck field names and types

    currentClassMirror.declarations.values.forEach((field) // iterate through member functions, variables, etc
      if (field is VariableMirror && _isTypeInArray<CKFieldAnnotation>(field.metadata)) // if the field is a variable and tagged with a CKFieldAnnotation ...
        var fieldAnnotation = _getTypeFromArray<CKFieldAnnotation>(field.metadata); // get the annotation object
        recordStructure.fields.add(CKFieldStructure(field.simpleName,, CKFieldType.fromLocalType(field.reflectedType))); // create a CKFieldData object for the current field
      else if (field is VariableMirror && _isTypeInArray<CKRecordNameAnnotation>(field.metadata)) // if the field is a variable and tagged with a CKRecordNameAnnotation ...
        recordStructure.fields.add(CKFieldStructure(field.simpleName, CKConstants.RECORD_NAME_FIELD, CKFieldType.fromLocalType(field.reflectedType))); // create a CKFieldData object for the recordName field

    recordStructures[currentType] = recordStructure;

  CKRecordParser._recordStructures = recordStructures;