uploadFiles method

  1. @Deprecated('Use [uploadResources] instead')
Future<List<CloudinaryResponse>> uploadFiles({
  1. List<String>? filePaths,
  2. List<List<int>>? filesBytes,
  3. String? folder,
  4. CloudinaryResourceType? resourceType,
  5. Map<String, dynamic>? optParams,

This function uploads multiples files by calling uploadFile repeatedly

filePaths the list of paths to the files to upload filesBytes the list of byte array of the files to uploaded


@Deprecated('Use [uploadResources] instead')
Future<List<CloudinaryResponse>> uploadFiles({
  List<String>? filePaths,
  List<List<int>>? filesBytes,
  String? folder,
  CloudinaryResourceType? resourceType,
  Map<String, dynamic>? optParams,
}) async {
  if ((filePaths?.isEmpty ?? true) && (filesBytes?.isEmpty ?? true)) {
    throw Exception('One of filePaths or filesBytes must not be empty');

  List<CloudinaryResponse> responses = [];

  if (filesBytes?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
    responses = await Future.wait(filesBytes!.map((fileBytes) async =>
        await uploadFile(
            fileBytes: fileBytes,
            folder: folder,
            resourceType: resourceType,
            optParams: optParams))).catchError((err) => throw (err));

  if (filePaths?.isNotEmpty ?? false) {
    responses = await Future.wait(filePaths!.map((filePath) async =>
        await uploadFile(
            filePath: filePath,
            folder: folder,
            resourceType: resourceType,
            optParams: optParams))).catchError((err) => throw (err));

  return responses;