findByIdWithConverter method

Future<FeedbackResponse<T>> findByIdWithConverter({
  1. required String id,
  2. String? collectionPathOverride,

Finds a document based on given id.

This method returns data in the form of type T. Make sure to have specified the _toJson and _fromJson methods or else the FirestoreApi will not know how to convert the data to T.

If _tryAddLocalId is true then your data will also contain a local id field based on the _idFieldName specified in the constructor. Add this id field to your T and you will have easy access to the document id at any time.

If _tryAddLocalDocumentReference is true then your data will also contain a local reference field based on the _documentReferenceFieldName specified in the constructor. Add this reference field to your T and you will have easy access to the document reference at any time.

If you rather want to retrieve data in the raw form of a Map<String, dynamic> consider using the findById method instead.


Future<FeedbackResponse<T>> findByIdWithConverter({
  required String id,
  String? collectionPathOverride,
}) async {
    _isCollectionGroup == (collectionPathOverride != null),
    'Firestore does not support finding a document by id when communicating with a collection group, '
    'therefore, you must specify the collectionPathOverride containing all parent collection and document ids '
    'in order to make this method work.',
  try {
      message: 'Finding with converter..',
      sensitiveData: _shouldNotSensitiveInfo
          ? null
          : SensitiveData(
              path: collectionPathOverride ?? _collectionPath(),
              id: id,
    final result = (await findDocRefWithConverter(
      id: id,
      collectionPathOverride: collectionPathOverride,
    if (result != null) {
        message: 'Found item!',
        sensitiveData: null,
      return _responseConfig.searchSuccessResponse(
          isPlural: false, result: result);
    } else {
        message: 'Found nothing!',
        sensitiveData: null,
      return _responseConfig.searchFailedResponse(isPlural: false);
  } catch (error, stackTrace) {
      message: 'Unable to find document',
      error: error,
      stackTrace: stackTrace,
      sensitiveData: _shouldNotSensitiveError
          ? null
          : SensitiveData(
              path: collectionPathOverride ?? _collectionPath(),
              id: id,
    return _responseConfig.searchFailedResponse(isPlural: false);