wearablesdk/model/cling_cmd library
- CLCmdAccConfig
- Data structure for Leap acc config(fudan customed).
- CLCmdAccData
- Data structure for fudan acc data.
- CLCmdAccountBindData
- Data structure for registration information to bind a peripheral with Cling account.
- CLCmdAirData
- Data structure for VOC air information(whu customed).
- CLCmdArrowData
- Data structure for Leap arrow information(fudan customed).
- CLCmdCallSMS
- CLCmdDailyClockReminder
- Data structure for user reminder information.
- CLCmdDaliyActivityInfo
- Daily activity information
- CLCmdDevice
- CLCmdDeviceConfig
- Device (Cling) configuration structure
- CLCmdDeviceEvent
- CLCmdDeviceInfo
- Device Hardware Configuration information
- CLCmdFileHandle
- CLCmdFileHandleState
- CLCmdGogpsBodyLeap
- CLCmdGogpsBodyPeakIndoor
- CLCmdGogpsBodyPeakNew
- CLCmdGogpsBodyPeakOutdoor
- CLCmdGogpsBodyPeakOutDoorNew
- CLCmdGogpsBodyPeakSwim
- CLCmdGogpsBodyV2
- CLCmdGogpsDownData
- Data structure for gomore data.
- CLCmdGogpsHeaderSwim
- CLCmdGogpsHeaderV2
- CLCmdGogpsSingleEntryLeap
- CLCmdGogpsSingleEntryPeakIndoor
- CLCmdGogpsSingleEntryPeakOutdoor
- CLCmdGogpsSingleEntryV2
- CLCmdGogpsTrackSumSwim
- CLCmdGogpsTrackSumV2
- CLCmdGogpsUpdate
- Data structure for gogps updata. from gogps to app
- CLCmdGoGpsUpStreamData
- CLCmdLanguage
- CLCmdLocData
- Data structure for VOC Location information(whu customed).
- CLCmdPillReminder
- Data structure for user reminder information.
- CLCmdPillReminderData
- Data structure for pill information from peripheral.
- CLCmdPillReminderSingleData
- Data structure for pill information from peripheral.
- CLCmdRRiConfig
- Data structure for peak RRI information(ruige customed).
- CLCmdRRiData
- CLCmdSmartNotification
- CLCmdSmartNotificationType
- CLCmdStreamingData
- Data structure for streaming information from peripheral.
- CLCmdStreamingDaytotal
- Data structure for streaming daily total from peripheral.
- CLCmdStreamRRiConfig
- Data structure for peak StreamRRI information(xiexin customed).
- CLCmdStreamRRiData
- CLCmdStreamRRiDataV2
- CLCmdStreamRRiParam
- CLCmdStreamRRiReqParam
- CLCmdStreamRRiStartEnd
- CLCmdTimeSync
- CLCmdUserProfile
- Data structure for user profile information.
- CLCmdUserReminder
- Data structure for user reminder information.
- CLCmdVibraData
- Data structure for Leap vibration information(fudan customed).
- CLCmdWeatherData
- Data structure for weather forecast information.