testing library


ensureExecutableUpToDate(String executable, {bool node = false}) → void
Throws a TestFailure if executable's compiled output isn't up-to-date relative to the pubspec or to source files in lib/ or bin/.
ensureUpToDate(String path, String commandToRun, {Iterable<String?>? dependencies}) → void
Ensures that path (usually a compilation artifact) has been modified more recently than all this package's source files.
executableArgs(String executable, {bool node = false}) List<String>
Arguments that can be passed to Process.start and similar APIs along with the executable returned by executableRunner to run executable, which is the basename of an executable in bin (without ".dart").
executableRunner(String executable, {bool node = false}) String
Returns an executable that can be passed to Process.start and similar APIs along with the arguments returned by executableArgs to run executable, which is the name of the executable as listed in the pubspec (or in pkg.executables).
start(String executable, Iterable<String> arguments, {bool node = false, String? workingDirectory, Map<String, String>? environment, bool includeParentEnvironment = true, bool runInShell = false, String? description, required Encoding encoding, bool forwardStdio = false}) Future<TestProcess>
Starts a TestProcess running executable, which is the name of the executable as listed in the pubspec (or in pkg.executables).