clever_logger library

An extendable logger library with colorful prints.


A logger that prints colorful logs by default.
A class that formats and prints LogRecords styled in a colorful way.
A LogAction that prints the received LogRecord to the console using a CleverPrinter.
A class that formats and prints LogRecords styled with emojis 🚀.
Levels to control logging output. Logging can be enabled to include all levels above certain Level. Levels are ordered using an integer value Level.value. The predefined Level constants below are sorted as follows (in descending order): Level.SHOUT, Level.SEVERE, Level.WARNING, Level.INFO, Level.CONFIG, Level.FINE, Level.FINER, Level.FINEST, and Level.ALL.
A abstract class that represents a action taken when a new log record is received.
Use a Logger to log debug messages.
A log entry representation used to propagate information from Logger to individual handlers.


defaultLevel → const Level
The default Level.


defaultLogger ↔ CleverLogger
The default CleverLogger used when calling unnamed functions like log or logInfo.
hierarchicalLoggingEnabled ↔ bool
Whether to allow fine-grain logging and configuration of loggers in a hierarchy.
getter/setter pair
recordStackTraceAtLevel ↔ Level
Automatically record stack traces for any message of this level or above.
getter/setter pair


log(Object? message, [Level level = Level.FINE]) → void
Logs a message with the defaultLogger at level.
logConfig(Object? message) → void
Logs a message with the defaultLogger at Level.CONFIG.
logFine(Object? message) → void
Logs a message with the defaultLogger at Level.FINE.
logInfo(Object? message) → void
Logs a message with the defaultLogger at Level.INFO.
logSevere(Object? message) → void
Logs a message with the defaultLogger at Level.SEVERE.
logShout(Object? message) → void
Logs a message with the defaultLogger at Level.SHOUT.
logWarning(Object? message) → void
Logs a message with the defaultLogger at Level.WARNING.