updatePubspec function

void updatePubspec()


void updatePubspec() {
  print('Updating pubspec.yaml...');
  final pubspecFile = File('pubspec.yaml');

  if (!pubspecFile.existsSync()) {
    print('Error: pubspec.yaml not found!');

  try {
    // Read the original content
    final content = pubspecFile.readAsStringSync();

    // Remove all comments and clean gaps
    final cleanedContent = _removeCommentsAndGaps(content);

    // Parse the cleaned YAML content
    final editor = YamlEditor(cleanedContent);

    // Define the assets configuration
    const flutterConfig = {
      'assets': [

    // Add or update the `flutter` section
    editor.update(['flutter'], flutterConfig);

    // Write the updated content back to the file
    print('pubspec.yaml updated successfully!');
  } catch (e) {
    print('Error updating pubspec.yaml: $e');