DefaultHttpAdapter constructor

  1. ValidateCertificate? validateCertificate,
  2. SecurityContext? context,
  3. String proxy(
    1. Uri
  4. BadCertificateCallback? onBadCertificate,
  5. Duration idleTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 15),
  6. Duration connectionTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 30),

The default HttpClientAdapter for mobile platforms. This adapter will use the "dart:io" HttpClient.


  /// validateCertificate is the callback to validate the certificate

  /// context is the security context for new secure socket connections.
  SecurityContext? context,

  /// proxy is the callback to return a proxy url for request.
  String Function(Uri)? proxy,

  /// onBadCertificate is the callback for handling bad certificates.
  BadCertificateCallback? onBadCertificate,

  /// Gets and sets the idle timeout of non-active persistent (keep-alive) connections.
  Duration idleTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 15),

  /// Gets and sets the connection timeout.
  /// When connecting to a new host exceeds this timeout, a [SocketException] is thrown.
  /// The timeout applies only to connections initiated after the timeout is set.
  Duration connectionTimeout = const Duration(seconds: 30),
}) : super(
        createHttpClient: () {
          final client = HttpClient(context: context);

          /// proxy is the callback to return a proxy url for request.
          if (proxy != null) {
            client.findProxy = proxy;

          /// validateCertificate is the callback for handling bad certificates.
          if (onBadCertificate != null) {
            client.badCertificateCallback = onBadCertificate;

          /// Gets and sets the idle timeout of non-active persistent (keep-alive) connections.
          /// Gets and sets the connection timeout.
          /// When connecting to a new host exceeds this timeout, a [SocketException] is thrown.
          /// The timeout applies only to connections initiated after the timeout is set.
            ..idleTimeout = idleTimeout
            ..connectionTimeout = connectionTimeout;

          return client;