boxDecorationDefault({BorderRadiusGeometry? borderRadius, Color? color, Gradient? gradient, BoxBorder? border, BoxShape? shape, BlendMode? backgroundBlendMode, List<BoxShadow>? boxShadow, DecorationImage? image})
→ Decoration
boxDecorationRoundedWithShadow(int radiusAll, {Color backgroundColor = whiteColor, Color? shadowColor, double? blurRadius, double? spreadRadius, Offset offset = const Offset(0.0, 0.0), LinearGradient? gradient})
→ Decoration
rounded box decoration with shadow
boxDecorationWithRoundedCorners({Color backgroundColor = whiteColor, BorderRadius? borderRadius, LinearGradient? gradient, BoxBorder? border, List<BoxShadow>? boxShadow, DecorationImage? decorationImage, BoxShape boxShape = BoxShape.rectangle})
→ Decoration
rounded box decoration
boxDecorationWithShadow({Color backgroundColor = whiteColor, Color? shadowColor, double? blurRadius, double? spreadRadius, Offset offset = const Offset(0.0, 0.0), LinearGradient? gradient, BoxBorder? border, List<BoxShadow>? boxShadow, DecorationImage? decorationImage, BoxShape boxShape = BoxShape.rectangle, BorderRadius? borderRadius})
→ Decoration
box decoration with shadow
defaultBoxShadow({Color? shadowColor, double? blurRadius, double? spreadRadius, Offset offset = const Offset(0.0, 0.0)})
→ List<BoxShadow>
default box shadow
defaultInputDecoration({String? hint, String? label, TextStyle? textStyle})
→ InputDecoration
returns default InputDecoration for AppTextField widget
dialogShape([double? borderRadius])
→ ShapeBorder
radius([double? radius])
→ BorderRadius
returns Radius
radiusCircular([double? radius])
→ Radius
returns Radius
radiusOnly({double? topRight, double? topLeft, double? bottomRight, double? bottomLeft})
→ BorderRadius
returns custom Radius on each side