
loading_button is a flutter loading/progress animated button.

loading_button is implemented using native flutter buttons type (ElevatedButton, FilledButton, OutlinedButton at this moment). For this reason it is customizable throught your app theme

Try at demo on DartPad

Getting Started

Follow these steps to use this package

Add dependency

  circular_loading_button: ^1.0.0

Add import package

import 'package:circular_loading_button/loading_button.dart';

Easy to use

Simple example of use LoadingButton
Put this code in your project at an screen and learn how it works 😊

// set initial button state
LoadingButtonState _currentState = LoadingButtonState.idle;

  type: LoadingButtonType.elevated,
  state: _currentState,
  onPressed: () {
    // change button state to loading
    setState(() => _currentState = LoadingButtonState.loading);
    // wait 3 seconds and set button state to idle
    Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 3), () => setState(() => _currentState = LoadingButtonState.idle));
  child: const Text('Tap me!')


You can define button sizes in loading and idle state simply adding 'expandedSize' and 'loadingSize' parameters.

    type: LoadingButtonType.elevated,
    state: _currentState,
    expandedSize: const Size(250.0, 80.0),
    loadingSize: const Size(30.0, 30.0),
    onPressed: () {
      // TODO your actions
    child: const Text('Tap me!')


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