CircularClipTransition constructor

  1. Key? key,
  2. required Animation<double> animation,
  3. required Rect expandingRect,
  4. required Widget child,
  5. Animatable<double>? opacity,
  6. BoxBorder? border = kDefaultBorder,
  7. List<BoxShadow>? shadow = kDefaultShadow,

Creates widget which reveals its child by expanding a circular clip from the center of expandingRect until the child is fully revealed.


  Key? key,
  required this.animation,
  required this.expandingRect,
  required this.child,
  Animatable<double>? opacity,
  this.border = kDefaultBorder,
  this.shadow = kDefaultShadow,
})  : this.opacity = opacity ?? kDefaultOpacityAnimatable,
      super(key: key);