
This library is Flutter wrapper for the circom-witnesscalc. It is used to calculate witness files for zero knowledge proofs, written in Rust.

Platform Support

iOS: Compatible with any iOS device with 64 bit architecture.

macOS: Compatible with any macOS device with arm64 bit architecture.

Android: Compatible with arm64-v8a, x86_64 architectures.


flutter pub add circom_witnesscalc



Function takes inputs json string and graph data file bytes and returns witness bytes.

import 'package:circom_witnesscalc/circom_witnesscalc.dart';

// ...

final String inputs = await rootBundle.loadString("assets/authV2_inputs.json");
final Uint8List graphData = (await rootBundle.load("assets/authV2.wcd")).buffer.asUint8List();
final proof = await CircomWitnesscalc().calculateWitness(inputs, graphData);

Example App

Check out the example app and example README for a working example.


circom-witnesscalc-flutter is part of the iden3 project and licensed under MIT and APACHE 2.0 licences. Please check the LICENSE-MIT and LICENSE-APACHE files for more details.