toBase32 function

String toBase32(
  1. List<int> input, {
  2. Base32Codec? codec,
  3. bool lower = false,
  4. bool padding = true,

Converts 8-bit integer sequence to 5-bit Base-32 character sequence.


  • input is a sequence of 8-bit integers
  • If lower is true, the Base32Codec.lowercase alphabet is used.
  • If padding is true, the output will not have padding characters.
  • codec is the Base32Codec to use. It is derived from the other parameters if not provided.


String toBase32(
  List<int> input, {
  Base32Codec? codec,
  bool lower = false,
  bool padding = true,
}) {
  codec ??= _codecFromParameters(
    lower: lower,
    padding: padding,
  Iterable<int> out = codec.encoder.convert(input);
  if (!padding && _codecsWithPadding.contains(codec)) {
    out = out.takeWhile((x) => x != codec!.encoder.padding);
  return String.fromCharCodes(out);