onResponse method

void onResponse(
  1. Response response, {
  2. dynamic body,

Handles http response. It creates both request and response from http call


void onResponse(http.Response response, {dynamic body}) {
  if (response.request == null) {
  final request = response.request!;

  final ChuckHttpCall call = ChuckHttpCall(response.request.hashCode);
  call.loading = true;
  call.client = "HttpClient (http package)";
  call.uri = request.url.toString();
  call.method = request.method;
  var path = request.url.path;
  if (path.isEmpty) {
    path = "/";
  call.endpoint = path;

  call.server = request.url.host;
  if (request.url.scheme == "https") {
    call.secure = true;

  final ChuckHttpRequest httpRequest = ChuckHttpRequest();

  if (response.request is http.Request) {
    // we are guaranteed` the existence of body and headers
    if (body != null) {
      httpRequest.body = body;
    // ignore: cast_nullable_to_non_nullable
    httpRequest.body = body ?? (response.request as http.Request).body ?? "";
    httpRequest.size = utf8.encode(httpRequest.body.toString()).length;
    httpRequest.headers =
        Map<String, dynamic>.from(response.request!.headers);
  } else if (body == null) {
    httpRequest.size = 0;
    httpRequest.body = "";
  } else {
    httpRequest.size = utf8.encode(body.toString()).length;
    httpRequest.body = body;

  httpRequest.time = DateTime.now();

  String? contentType = "unknown";
  if (httpRequest.headers.containsKey("Content-Type")) {
    contentType = httpRequest.headers["Content-Type"] as String?;

  httpRequest.contentType = contentType;

  httpRequest.queryParameters = response.request!.url.queryParameters;

  final ChuckHttpResponse httpResponse = ChuckHttpResponse();
  httpResponse.status = response.statusCode;
  httpResponse.body = response.body;

  httpResponse.size = utf8.encode(response.body.toString()).length;
  httpResponse.time = DateTime.now();
  final Map<String, String> responseHeaders = {};
  response.headers.forEach((header, values) {
    responseHeaders[header] = values.toString();
  httpResponse.headers = responseHeaders;

  call.request = httpRequest;
  call.response = httpResponse;

  call.loading = false;
  call.duration = 0;