dart/file_system_provider library


Type of a change detected on the observed directory.
List of common actions. "SHARE" is for sharing files with others. "SAVE_FOR_OFFLINE" for pinning (saving for offline access). "OFFLINE_NOT_NECESSARY" for notifying that the file doesn't need to be stored for offline access anymore. Used by onGetActionsRequested and onExecuteActionRequested.
Mode of opening a file. Used by onOpenFileRequested.
Error codes used by providing extensions in response to requests as well as in case of errors when calling methods of the API. For success, "OK" must be used.


chrome Chrome


ActionsCallback = void Function(List<Action>)
Success callback for the onGetActionsRequested event.
EntriesCallback = void Function(List<EntryMetadata>, bool)
Success callback for the onReadDirectoryRequested event. If more entries will be returned, then hasMore must be true, and it has to be called again with additional entries. If no more entries are available, then hasMore must be set to false.
FileDataCallback = void Function(ByteBuffer, bool)
Success callback for the onReadFileRequested event. If more data will be returned, then hasMore must be true, and it has to be called again with additional entries. If no more data is available, then hasMore must be set to false.
MetadataCallback = void Function(EntryMetadata)
Success callback for the onGetMetadataRequested event.
ProviderErrorCallback = void Function(ProviderError)
Callback to be called by the providing extension in case of an error. Any error code is allowed except OK.
ProviderSuccessCallback = void Function()
Callback to be called by the providing extension in case of a success.