Window constructor

  1. int? id,
  2. required bool focused,
  3. int? top,
  4. int? left,
  5. int? width,
  6. int? height,
  7. List<Tab>? tabs,
  8. required bool incognito,
  9. WindowType? type,
  10. WindowState? state,
  11. required bool alwaysOnTop,
  12. String? sessionId,


  /// The ID of the window. Window IDs are unique within a browser session. In
  /// some circumstances a window may not be assigned an `ID` property; for
  /// example, when querying windows using the [sessions] API, in which case a
  /// session ID may be present.
  int? id,

  /// Whether the window is currently the focused window.
  required bool focused,

  /// The offset of the window from the top edge of the screen in pixels. In
  /// some circumstances a window may not be assigned a `top` property; for
  /// example, when querying closed windows from the [sessions] API.
  int? top,

  /// The offset of the window from the left edge of the screen in pixels. In
  /// some circumstances a window may not be assigned a `left` property; for
  /// example, when querying closed windows from the [sessions] API.
  int? left,

  /// The width of the window, including the frame, in pixels. In some
  /// circumstances a window may not be assigned a `width` property; for
  /// example, when querying closed windows from the [sessions] API.
  int? width,

  /// The height of the window, including the frame, in pixels. In some
  /// circumstances a window may not be assigned a `height` property; for
  /// example, when querying closed windows from the [sessions] API.
  int? height,

  /// Array of [tabs.Tab] objects representing the current tabs in the window.
  List<Tab>? tabs,

  /// Whether the window is incognito.
  required bool incognito,

  /// The type of browser window this is.
  WindowType? type,

  /// The state of this browser window.
  WindowState? state,

  /// Whether the window is set to be always on top.
  required bool alwaysOnTop,

  /// The session ID used to uniquely identify a window, obtained from the
  /// [sessions] API.
  String? sessionId,
}) : _wrapped = $js.Window(
        id: id,
        focused: focused,
        top: top,
        left: left,
        width: width,
        height: height,
        tabs: tabs?.toJSArray((e) => e.toJS),
        incognito: incognito,
        type: type?.toJS,
        state: state?.toJS,
        alwaysOnTop: alwaysOnTop,
        sessionId: sessionId,