QueryOptions constructor

  1. bool? populate,
  2. List<WindowType>? windowTypes,


  /// If true, the [windows.Window] object has a [tabs] property that contains
  /// a list of the [tabs.Tab] objects. The `Tab` objects only contain the
  /// `url`, `pendingUrl`, `title`, and `favIconUrl` properties if the
  /// extension's manifest file includes the `"tabs"` permission.
  bool? populate,

  /// If set, the [windows.Window] returned is filtered based on its type. If
  /// unset, the default filter is set to `['normal', 'popup']`.
  List<WindowType>? windowTypes,
}) : _wrapped = $js.QueryOptions(
        populate: populate,
        windowTypes: windowTypes?.toJSArray((e) => e.toJS),