onPlatformMessage property

EventStream<OnPlatformMessageEvent> get onPlatformMessage

Triggered when a message is received from the platform for a VPN configuration owned by the extension. |id|: ID of the configuration the message is intended for. |message|: The message received from the platform. Note that new message types may be added in future Chrome versions to support new features. |error|: Error message when there is an error.


EventStream<OnPlatformMessageEvent> get onPlatformMessage =>
    $js.chrome.vpnProvider.onPlatformMessage.asStream(($c) => (
          String id,
          $js.PlatformMessage message,
          String error,
        ) {
          return $c(OnPlatformMessageEvent(
            id: id,
            message: PlatformMessage.fromJS(message),
            error: error,