DeviceFilter constructor

  1. int? vendorId,
  2. int? productId,
  3. int? interfaceClass,
  4. int? interfaceSubclass,
  5. int? interfaceProtocol,


  /// Device vendor ID.
  int? vendorId,

  /// Device product ID, checked only if the vendor ID matches.
  int? productId,

  /// USB interface class, matches any interface on the device.
  int? interfaceClass,

  /// USB interface sub-class, checked only if the interface class matches.
  int? interfaceSubclass,

  /// USB interface protocol, checked only if the interface sub-class matches.
  int? interfaceProtocol,
}) : _wrapped = $js.DeviceFilter(
        vendorId: vendorId,
        productId: productId,
        interfaceClass: interfaceClass,
        interfaceSubclass: interfaceSubclass,
        interfaceProtocol: interfaceProtocol,