This event is sent when the properties of the current InputContext change,
such as the the type. It is sent to all extensions that are listening to
this event, and enabled by the user.
Fired when a key event is sent from the operating system. The event will
be sent to the extension if this extension owns the active IME. The
listener function should return true if the event was handled false if it
was not. If the event will be evaluated asynchronously, this function
must return undefined and the IME must later call keyEventHandled() with
the result.
Called when the editable string around caret is changed or when the caret
position is moved. The text length is limited to 100 characters for each
back and forth direction.
Clear the current composition. If this extension does not own the active
IME, this fails.
returns Called when the operation completes with a boolean indicating
if the text was accepted or not. On failure, runtime.lastError is set.
Commits the provided text to the current input.
returns Called when the operation completes with a boolean indicating
if the text was accepted or not. On failure, runtime.lastError is set.
Indicates that the key event received by onKeyEvent is handled. This
should only be called if the onKeyEvent listener is asynchronous.
requestId Request id of the event that was handled. This should come
from keyEvent.requestId
response True if the keystroke was handled, false if not
Sends the key events. This function is expected to be used by virtual
keyboards. When key(s) on a virtual keyboard is pressed by a user, this
function is used to propagate that event to the system.
returns Called when the operation completes.
Set the current composition. If this extension does not own the active
IME, this fails.
returns Called when the operation completes with a boolean indicating
if the text was accepted or not. On failure, runtime.lastError is set.
Set the position of the cursor in the candidate window. This is a no-op if
this extension does not own the active IME.
returns Called when the operation completes