onGetActionsRequested property

EventStream<OnGetActionsRequestedEvent> get onGetActionsRequested

Raised when a list of actions for a set of files or directories at entryPaths is requested. All of the returned actions must be applicable to each entry. If there are no such actions, an empty array should be returned. The actions must be returned with the successCallback call. In case of an error, errorCallback must be called.


EventStream<OnGetActionsRequestedEvent> get onGetActionsRequested =>
    $$c) => (
          $js.GetActionsRequestedOptions options,
          $js.ActionsCallback successCallback,
          $js.ProviderErrorCallback errorCallback,
        ) {
          return $c(OnGetActionsRequestedEvent(
            options: GetActionsRequestedOptions.fromJS(options),
            successCallback: (List<Action> actions) {
              //ignore: avoid_dynamic_calls
              (successCallback as Function)(actions.toJSArray((e) => e.toJS));
            errorCallback: (ProviderError error) {
              //ignore: avoid_dynamic_calls
              (errorCallback as Function)(error.toJS);