ports property

List<Object>? get ports

Matches if the port of the URL is contained in any of the specified port lists. For example [80, 443, [1000, 1200]] matches all requests on port 80, 443 and in the range 1000-1200.


List<Object>? get ports => _wrapped.ports?.toDart
    .map((e) => e.when(
          isInt: (v) => v,
          isArray: (v) => v.toDart.cast<int>().map((e) => e).toList(),
set ports (List<Object>? v)


set ports(List<Object>? v) {
  _wrapped.ports = v?.toJSArray((e) => switch (e) {
        int() => e.jsify()!,
        List<int>() => e.toJSArray((e) => e),
        _ => throw UnsupportedError(
            'Received type: ${e.runtimeType}. Supported types are: int, List<int>')