challengeKey method

Future<ByteBuffer> challengeKey(
  1. ChallengeKeyOptions options

Similar to challengeMachineKey and challengeUserKey, but allows specifying the algorithm of a registered key. Challenges a hardware-backed Enterprise Machine Key and emits the response as part of a remote attestation protocol. Only useful on Chrome OS and in conjunction with the Verified Access Web API which both issues challenges and verifies responses.

A successful verification by the Verified Access Web API is a strong signal that the current device is a legitimate Chrome OS device, the current device is managed by the domain specified during verification, the current signed-in user is managed by the domain specified during verification, and the current device state complies with enterprise device policy. For example, a policy may specify that the device must not be in developer mode. Any device identity emitted by the verification is tightly bound to the hardware of the current device. If "user" Scope is specified, the identity is also tighly bound to the current signed-in user.

This function is highly restricted and will fail if the current device is not managed, the current user is not managed, or if this operation has not explicitly been enabled for the caller by enterprise device policy. The challenged key does not reside in the "system" or "user" token and is not accessible by any other API. |options|: Object containing the fields defined in ChallengeKeyOptions. |callback|: Called back with the challenge response.


Future<ByteBuffer> challengeKey(ChallengeKeyOptions options) {
  var $completer = Completer<ByteBuffer>();
    (JSArrayBuffer response) {
      if (checkRuntimeLastError($completer)) {
  return $completer.future;