ScannerInfo constructor

  1. required String scannerId,
  2. required String name,
  3. required String manufacturer,
  4. required String model,
  5. required String deviceUuid,
  6. required ConnectionType connectionType,
  7. required bool secure,
  8. required List<String> imageFormats,


  /// For connecting with `openScanner`.
  required String scannerId,

  /// Printable name for displaying in the UI.
  required String name,

  /// Scanner manufacturer.
  required String manufacturer,

  /// Scanner model if available, or a generic description.
  required String model,

  /// For matching against other `ScannerInfo` entries that point
  /// to the same physical device.
  required String deviceUuid,

  /// How the scanner is connected to the computer.
  required ConnectionType connectionType,

  /// If true, the scanner connection's transport cannot be intercepted by a
  /// passive listener, such as TLS or USB.
  required bool secure,

  /// MIME types that can be requested for returned scans.
  required List<String> imageFormats,
}) : _wrapped = $js.ScannerInfo(
        scannerId: scannerId,
        name: name,
        manufacturer: manufacturer,
        model: model,
        deviceUuid: deviceUuid,
        connectionType: connectionType.toJS,
        secure: secure,
        imageFormats: imageFormats.toJSArray((e) => e),