EvalOptions constructor

  1. String? frameUrl,
  2. bool? useContentScriptContext,
  3. String? scriptExecutionContext,


  /// If specified, the expression is evaluated on the iframe whose URL
  /// matches the one specified. By default, the expression is evaluated in
  /// the top frame of the inspected page.
  String? frameUrl,

  /// Evaluate the expression in the context of the content script of the
  /// calling extension, provided that the content script is already injected
  /// into the inspected page. If not, the expression is not evaluated and the
  /// callback is invoked with the exception parameter set to an object that
  /// has the `isError` field set to true and the `code` field set to
  /// `E_NOTFOUND`.
  bool? useContentScriptContext,

  /// Evaluate the expression in the context of a content script of an
  /// extension that matches the specified origin. If given,
  /// scriptExecutionContext overrides the 'true' setting on
  /// useContentScriptContext.
  String? scriptExecutionContext,
}) : _wrapped = $js.EvalOptions(
        frameURL: frameUrl,
        useContentScriptContext: useContentScriptContext,
        scriptExecutionContext: scriptExecutionContext,