EvalExceptionInfo constructor

  1. required bool isError,
  2. required String code,
  3. required String description,
  4. required List<Object> details,
  5. required bool isException,
  6. required String value,


  /// Set if the error occurred on the DevTools side before the expression is
  /// evaluated.
  required bool isError,

  /// Set if the error occurred on the DevTools side before the expression is
  /// evaluated.
  required String code,

  /// Set if the error occurred on the DevTools side before the expression is
  /// evaluated.
  required String description,

  /// Set if the error occurred on the DevTools side before the expression is
  /// evaluated, contains the array of the values that may be substituted into
  /// the description string to provide more information about the cause of
  /// the error.
  required List<Object> details,

  /// Set if the evaluated code produces an unhandled exception.
  required bool isException,

  /// Set if the evaluated code produces an unhandled exception.
  required String value,
}) : _wrapped = $js.EvalExceptionInfo(
        isError: isError,
        code: code,
        description: description,
        details: details.toJSArray((e) => e.jsify()!),
        isException: isException,
        value: value,