requestDomains property

List<String>? requestDomains

The rule will only match network requests when the domain matches one from the list of requestDomains. If the list is omitted, the rule is applied to requests from all domains. An empty list is not allowed.


  • Sub-domains like "" are also allowed.
  • The entries must consist of only ascii characters.
  • Use punycode encoding for internationalized domains.
  • Sub-domains of the listed domains are also matched.


List<String>? get requestDomains =>
    _wrapped.requestDomains?.toDart.cast<String>().map((e) => e).toList();
void requestDomains=(List<String>? v)


set requestDomains(List<String>? v) {
  _wrapped.requestDomains = v?.toJSArray((e) => e);