excludedInitiatorDomains property

List<String>? excludedInitiatorDomains

The rule will not match network requests originating from the list of excludedInitiatorDomains. If the list is empty or omitted, no domains are excluded. This takes precedence over initiatorDomains.


  • Sub-domains like "a.example.com" are also allowed.
  • The entries must consist of only ascii characters.
  • Use punycode encoding for internationalized domains.
  • This matches against the request initiator and not the request url.
  • Sub-domains of the listed domains are also excluded.


List<String>? get excludedInitiatorDomains =>
        .map((e) => e)
void excludedInitiatorDomains=(List<String>? v)


set excludedInitiatorDomains(List<String>? v) {
  _wrapped.excludedInitiatorDomains = v?.toJSArray((e) => e);