create method

Future<void> create(
  1. String? name,
  2. AlarmCreateInfo alarmInfo

Creates an alarm. Near the time(s) specified by alarmInfo, the onAlarm event is fired. If there is another alarm with the same name (or no name if none is specified), it will be cancelled and replaced by this alarm.

In order to reduce the load on the user's machine, Chrome limits alarms to at most once every 30 seconds but may delay them an arbitrary amount more. That is, setting delayInMinutes or periodInMinutes to less than 0.5 will not be honored and will cause a warning. when can be set to less than 30 seconds after "now" without warning but won't actually cause the alarm to fire for at least 30 seconds.

To help you debug your app or extension, when you've loaded it unpacked, there's no limit to how often the alarm can fire.

|name|: Optional name to identify this alarm. Defaults to the empty string. |alarmInfo|: Describes when the alarm should fire. The initial time must be specified by either when or delayInMinutes (but not both). If periodInMinutes is set, the alarm will repeat every periodInMinutes minutes after the initial event. If neither when or delayInMinutes is set for a repeating alarm, periodInMinutes is used as the default for delayInMinutes. |callback|: Invoked when the alarm has been created.


Future<void> create(
  String? name,
  AlarmCreateInfo alarmInfo,
) async {
  await promiseToFuture<void>($