AlarmCreateInfo constructor

  1. double? when,
  2. double? delayInMinutes,
  3. double? periodInMinutes,


  /// Time at which the alarm should fire, in milliseconds past the epoch
  /// (e.g. ` + n`).
  double? when,

  /// Length of time in minutes after which the `onAlarm` event
  /// should fire.
  /// <!-- TODO: need minimum=0 -->
  double? delayInMinutes,

  /// If set, the onAlarm event should fire every [periodInMinutes]
  /// minutes after the initial event specified by [when] or
  /// [delayInMinutes].  If not set, the alarm will only fire once.
  /// <!-- TODO: need minimum=0 -->
  double? periodInMinutes,
}) : _wrapped = $js.AlarmCreateInfo(
        when: when,
        delayInMinutes: delayInMinutes,
        periodInMinutes: periodInMinutes,