GenericTransferInfo constructor

  1. required Direction direction,
  2. required int endpoint,
  3. int? length,
  4. ByteBuffer? data,
  5. int? timeout,


  /// The transfer direction (`"in"` or `"out"`).
  required Direction direction,

  /// The target endpoint address. The interface containing this endpoint must
  /// be claimed.
  required int endpoint,

  /// The maximum number of bytes to receive (required only by input
  /// transfers).
  int? length,

  /// The data to transmit (required only by output transfers).
  ByteBuffer? data,

  /// Request timeout (in milliseconds). The default value `0`
  /// indicates no timeout.
  int? timeout,
}) : _wrapped = $js.GenericTransferInfo(
        direction: direction.toJS,
        endpoint: endpoint,
        length: length,
        data: data?.toJS,
        timeout: timeout,