TtsVoice constructor

  1. String? voiceName,
  2. String? lang,
  3. VoiceGender? gender,
  4. bool? remote,
  5. String? extensionId,
  6. List<EventType>? eventTypes,


  /// The name of the voice.
  String? voiceName,

  /// The language that this voice supports, in the form _language_-_region_.
  /// Examples: 'en', 'en-US', 'en-GB', 'zh-CN'.
  String? lang,

  /// This voice's gender.
  VoiceGender? gender,

  /// If true, the synthesis engine is a remote network resource. It may be
  /// higher latency and may incur bandwidth costs.
  bool? remote,

  /// The ID of the extension providing this voice.
  String? extensionId,

  /// All of the callback event types that this voice is capable of sending.
  List<EventType>? eventTypes,
}) : _wrapped = $js.TtsVoice(
        voiceName: voiceName,
        lang: lang,
        gender: gender?.toJS,
        remote: remote,
        extensionId: extensionId,
        eventTypes: eventTypes?.toJSArray((e) => e.toJS),