TtsOptions constructor

  1. bool? enqueue,
  2. String? voiceName,
  3. String? extensionId,
  4. String? lang,
  5. VoiceGender? gender,
  6. double? rate,
  7. double? pitch,
  8. double? volume,
  9. List<String>? requiredEventTypes,
  10. List<String>? desiredEventTypes,
  11. JSFunction? onEvent,


  /// If true, enqueues this utterance if TTS is already in progress. If false
  /// (the default), interrupts any current speech and flushes the speech
  /// queue before speaking this new utterance.
  bool? enqueue,

  /// The name of the voice to use for synthesis. If empty, uses any available
  /// voice.
  String? voiceName,

  /// The extension ID of the speech engine to use, if known.
  String? extensionId,

  /// The language to be used for synthesis, in the form _language_-_region_.
  /// Examples: 'en', 'en-US', 'en-GB', 'zh-CN'.
  String? lang,

  /// Gender of voice for synthesized speech.
  VoiceGender? gender,

  /// Speaking rate relative to the default rate for this voice. 1.0 is the
  /// default rate, normally around 180 to 220 words per minute. 2.0 is twice
  /// as fast, and 0.5 is half as fast. Values below 0.1 or above 10.0 are
  /// strictly disallowed, but many voices will constrain the minimum and
  /// maximum rates further-for example a particular voice may not actually
  /// speak faster than 3 times normal even if you specify a value larger than
  /// 3.0.
  double? rate,

  /// Speaking pitch between 0 and 2 inclusive, with 0 being lowest and 2
  /// being highest. 1.0 corresponds to a voice's default pitch.
  double? pitch,

  /// Speaking volume between 0 and 1 inclusive, with 0 being lowest and 1
  /// being highest, with a default of 1.0.
  double? volume,

  /// The TTS event types the voice must support.
  List<String>? requiredEventTypes,

  /// The TTS event types that you are interested in listening to. If missing,
  /// all event types may be sent.
  List<String>? desiredEventTypes,

  /// This function is called with events that occur in the process of
  /// speaking the utterance.
  JSFunction? onEvent,
}) : _wrapped = $js.TtsOptions(
        enqueue: enqueue,
        voiceName: voiceName,
        extensionId: extensionId,
        lang: lang,
        gender: gender?.toJS,
        rate: rate,
        pitch: pitch,
        volume: volume,
        requiredEventTypes: requiredEventTypes?.toJSArray((e) => e),
        desiredEventTypes: desiredEventTypes?.toJSArray((e) => e),
        onEvent: onEvent,