OnUpdatedChangeInfo constructor

  1. TabStatus? status,
  2. String? url,
  3. int? groupId,
  4. bool? pinned,
  5. bool? audible,
  6. bool? discarded,
  7. bool? autoDiscardable,
  8. MutedInfo? mutedInfo,
  9. String? favIconUrl,
  10. String? title,


  /// The tab's loading status.
  TabStatus? status,

  /// The tab's URL if it has changed.
  String? url,

  /// The tab's new group.
  int? groupId,

  /// The tab's new pinned state.
  bool? pinned,

  /// The tab's new audible state.
  bool? audible,

  /// The tab's new discarded state.
  bool? discarded,

  /// The tab's new auto-discardable state.
  bool? autoDiscardable,

  /// The tab's new muted state and the reason for the change.
  MutedInfo? mutedInfo,

  /// The tab's new favicon URL.
  String? favIconUrl,

  /// The tab's new title.
  String? title,
}) : _wrapped = $js.OnUpdatedChangeInfo(
        status: status?.toJS,
        url: url,
        groupId: groupId,
        pinned: pinned,
        audible: audible,
        discarded: discarded,
        autoDiscardable: autoDiscardable,
        mutedInfo: mutedInfo?.toJS,
        favIconUrl: favIconUrl,
        title: title,