MutedInfo constructor

  1. required bool muted,
  2. MutedInfoReason? reason,
  3. String? extensionId,


  /// Whether the tab is muted (prevented from playing sound). The tab may be
  /// muted even if it has not played or is not currently playing sound.
  /// Equivalent to whether the 'muted' audio indicator is showing.
  required bool muted,

  /// The reason the tab was muted or unmuted. Not set if the tab's mute state
  /// has never been changed.
  MutedInfoReason? reason,

  /// The ID of the extension that changed the muted state. Not set if an
  /// extension was not the reason the muted state last changed.
  String? extensionId,
}) : _wrapped = $js.MutedInfo(
        muted: muted,
        reason: reason?.toJS,
        extensionId: extensionId,