onKeyEvent property

EventStream<OnKeyEventEvent> get onKeyEvent

Fired when a key event is sent from the operating system. The event will be sent to the extension if this extension owns the active IME. The listener function should return true if the event was handled false if it was not. If the event will be evaluated asynchronously, this function must return undefined and the IME must later call keyEventHandled() with the result.


EventStream<OnKeyEventEvent> get onKeyEvent =>
    $js.chrome.input.ime.onKeyEvent.asStream(($c) => (
          String engineID,
          $js.KeyboardEvent keyData,
          String requestId,
        ) {
          return $c(OnKeyEventEvent(
            engineId: engineID,
            keyData: KeyboardEvent.fromJS(keyData),
            requestId: requestId,