onUnmountRequested property

EventStream<OnUnmountRequestedEvent> get onUnmountRequested

Raised when unmounting for the file system with the fileSystemId identifier is requested. In the response, the unmount API method must be called together with successCallback. If unmounting is not possible (eg. due to a pending operation), then errorCallback must be called.


EventStream<OnUnmountRequestedEvent> get onUnmountRequested =>
    $js.chrome.fileSystemProvider.onUnmountRequested.asStream(($c) => (
          $js.UnmountRequestedOptions options,
          $js.ProviderSuccessCallback successCallback,
          $js.ProviderErrorCallback errorCallback,
        ) {
          return $c(OnUnmountRequestedEvent(
            options: UnmountRequestedOptions.fromJS(options),
            successCallback: () {
              //ignore: avoid_dynamic_calls
              (successCallback as Function)();
            errorCallback: (ProviderError error) {
              //ignore: avoid_dynamic_calls
              (errorCallback as Function)(error.toJS);