softwareBackedSubtleCrypto property

JSObject get softwareBackedSubtleCrypto

Implements the WebCrypto's SubtleCrypto interface. The cryptographic operations, including key generation, are software-backed. Protection of the keys, and thus implementation of the non-extractable property, is done in software, so the keys are less protected than hardware-backed keys. Only non-extractable RSASSA-PKCS1-V1_5 keys with modulusLength up to 2048 can be generated. Each key can be used for signing data at most once. Keys generated on a specific Token cannot be used with any other Tokens, nor can they be used with window.crypto.subtle. Equally, Key objects created with window.crypto.subtle cannot be used with this interface.


JSObject get softwareBackedSubtleCrypto =>
set softwareBackedSubtleCrypto (JSObject v)


set softwareBackedSubtleCrypto(JSObject v) {
  _wrapped.softwareBackedSubtleCrypto = v;