TargetInfo constructor

  1. required TargetInfoType type,
  2. required String id,
  3. int? tabId,
  4. String? extensionId,
  5. required bool attached,
  6. required String title,
  7. required String url,
  8. String? faviconUrl,


  /// Target type.
  required TargetInfoType type,

  /// Target id.
  required String id,

  /// The tab id, defined if type == 'page'.
  int? tabId,

  /// The extension id, defined if type = 'background_page'.
  String? extensionId,

  /// True if debugger is already attached.
  required bool attached,

  /// Target page title.
  required String title,

  /// Target URL.
  required String url,

  /// Target favicon URL.
  String? faviconUrl,
}) : _wrapped = $js.TargetInfo(
        type: type.toJS,
        id: id,
        tabId: tabId,
        extensionId: extensionId,
        attached: attached,
        title: title,
        url: url,
        faviconUrl: faviconUrl,