move method
The move function can be called with in the following parameters: .move('Nxb7') <- where 'move' is a case-sensitive SAN string .move({ from: 'h7', <- where the 'move' is a move object (additional to :'h8', fields are ignored) promotion: 'q', }) or it can be called with a Move object It returns true if the move was made, or false if it could not be.
bool move(move) {
Move? move_obj;
final moves = generate_moves();
if (move is String) {
/* convert the move string to a move object */
for (var i = 0; i < moves.length; i++) {
if (move == move_to_san(moves[i])) {
move_obj = moves[i];
} else if (move is Map) {
/* convert the pretty move object to an ugly move object */
for (var i = 0; i < moves.length; i++) {
if (move['from'] == moves[i].fromAlgebraic &&
move['to'] == moves[i].toAlgebraic &&
(moves[i].promotion == null ||
move['promotion'] == moves[i].promotion!.name)) {
move_obj = moves[i];
} else if (move is Move) {
move_obj = move;
/* failed to find move */
if (move_obj == null) {
return false;
/* need to make a copy of move because we can't generate SAN after the
* move is made
return true;