Quick start

Main components DI


Binding is a custom instance configurator that contains methods for configuring a dependency.

There are two main methods for initializing a custom instance toInstance() and toProvide() and auxiliary withName() and singleton().

toInstance() - takes a initialized instance

toProvide() - takes a provider function (instance constructor)

withName() - takes a string to name the instance. By this name, it will be possible to extract instance from the DI container

singleton() - sets a flag in the Binding that tells the DI container that there is only one dependency.


 // initializing a text string instance through a method toInstance()
 Binding<String>().toInstance("hello world");

 // or

 // initializing a text string instance
 Binding<String>().toProvide(() => "hello world");

 // initializing an instance of a string named
 Binding<String>().withName("my_string").toInstance("hello world");
 // or
 Binding<String>().withName("my_string").toProvide(() => "hello world");

 // instance initialization like singleton
 Binding<String>().toInstance("hello world");
 // or
 Binding<String>().toProvide(() => "hello world").singleton();


Module is a container of user instances, and on the basis of which the user can create their modules. The user in his module must implement the void builder (Scope currentScope) method.


class AppModule extends Module {
  void builder(Scope currentScope) {


Scope is a container that stores the entire dependency tree (scope, modules, instances). Through the scope, you can access the custom instance, for this you need to call the resolve<T>() method and specify the type of the object, and you can also pass additional parameters.


    // open main scope
    final rootScope =  Cherrypick.openRootScope();

    // initializing scope with a custom module

    // takes custom instance
    final str = rootScope.resolve<String>();
    // or
    final str = rootScope.tryResolve<String>();

    // close main scope

Example app

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:meta/meta.dart';
import 'package:cherrypick/cherrypick.dart';

class AppModule extends Module {
  void builder(Scope currentScope) {

class FeatureModule extends Module {
  bool isMock;

  FeatureModule({required this.isMock});

  void builder(Scope currentScope) {
          () => NetworkDataRepository(
              named: isMock ? "apiClientMock" : "apiClientImpl",
      () => DataBloc(
        currentScope.resolve<DataRepository>(named: "networkRepo"),

void main() async {
  final scope = openRootScope().installModules([

  final subScope = scope
      .installModules([FeatureModule(isMock: true)]);

  final dataBloc = subScope.resolve<DataBloc>();
  dataBloc.data.listen((d) => print('Received data: $d'),
      onError: (e) => print('Error: $e'), onDone: () => print('DONE'));

  await dataBloc.fetchData();

class DataBloc {
  final DataRepository _dataRepository;

  Stream<String> get data => _dataController.stream;
  StreamController<String> _dataController = new StreamController.broadcast();


  Future<void> fetchData() async {
    try {
      _dataController.sink.add(await _dataRepository.getData());
    } catch (e) {

  void dispose() {

abstract class DataRepository {
  Future<String> getData();

class NetworkDataRepository implements DataRepository {
  final ApiClient _apiClient;
  final _token = 'token';


  Future<String> getData() async => await _apiClient.sendRequest(
      url: 'www.google.com', token: _token, requestBody: {'type': 'data'});

abstract class ApiClient {
  Future sendRequest({@required String url, String token, Map requestBody});

class ApiClientMock implements ApiClient {
  Future sendRequest(
      {@required String? url, String? token, Map? requestBody}) async {
    return 'Local Data';

class ApiClientImpl implements ApiClient {
  Future sendRequest(
      {@required String? url, String? token, Map? requestBody}) async {
    return 'Network data';

GitHub Linl


  • x Scope
  • x Sub scope
  • x Initialization instance with name


Copyright 2021 Sergey Penkovsky sergey.penkovsky@gmail.com Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.