StreamChecks<T> extension

Expectations on a StreamQueue.

Streams should be wrapped in user test code so that any reuse of the same Stream, and the full stream lifecycle, is explicit.



anyOf(Iterable<AsyncCondition<StreamQueue<T>>> conditions) Future<void>
Expects that the stream statisfies at least one condition from conditions.
emits([AsyncCondition<T>? emittedCondition]) Future<void>
Expect that the Stream emits a value without first emitting an error.
emitsError<E extends Object>([AsyncCondition<E>? errorCondition]) Future<void>
Expects that the stream emits an error of type E.
emitsThrough(AsyncCondition<T> condition) Future<void>
Expects that the Stream emits any number of events before emitting an event that satisfies condition.
inOrder(Iterable<AsyncCondition<StreamQueue<T>>> conditions) Future<void>
Expects that the stream satisfies each condition in conditions serially.
isDone() Future<void>
Expects that the stream closes without emitting any events or errors.
mayEmit(AsyncCondition<T> condition) Future<void>
Optionally consumes an event that matches condition from the stream.
mayEmitMultiple(AsyncCondition<T> condition) Future<void>
Optionally consumes events that match condition from the stream.
neverEmits(AsyncCondition<T> condition) Future<void>
Expects that the stream closes without emitting any event that satisfies condition.