create static method

Future<ChatwootClient> create({
  1. required String baseUrl,
  2. required String inboxIdentifier,
  3. ChatwootUser? user,
  4. bool enablePersistence = true,
  5. ChatwootCallbacks? callbacks,

Creates an instance of ChatwootClient with the baseUrl of your chatwoot installation, inboxIdentifier for the targeted inbox. Specify custom user details using user and callbacks for handling chatwoot events. By default persistence is enabled, to disable persistence set enablePersistence as false


static Future<ChatwootClient> create(
    {required String baseUrl,
    required String inboxIdentifier,
    ChatwootUser? user,
    bool enablePersistence = true,
    ChatwootCallbacks? callbacks}) async {
  if (enablePersistence) {
    await LocalStorage.openDB();

  final chatwootParams = ChatwootParameters(
      clientInstanceKey: getClientInstanceKey(
          baseUrl: baseUrl,
          inboxIdentifier: inboxIdentifier,
          userIdentifier: user?.identifier),
      isPersistenceEnabled: enablePersistence,
      baseUrl: baseUrl,
      inboxIdentifier: inboxIdentifier,
      userIdentifier: user?.identifier);

  final client =
      ChatwootClient._(chatwootParams, callbacks: callbacks, user: user);


  return client;