presentation/chat/src/chat_l10n library
- ChatL10n
- Base chat l10n containing all required properties to provide localized copy. Extend this class if you want to create a custom l10n.
- ChatL10nAr
- Arabic l10n which extends ChatL10n.
- ChatL10nDe
- German l10n which extends ChatL10n.
- ChatL10nEn
- English l10n which extends ChatL10n.
- ChatL10nEs
- Spanish l10n which extends ChatL10n.
- ChatL10nKo
- Korean l10n which extends ChatL10n.
- ChatL10nPl
- Polish l10n which extends ChatL10n.
- ChatL10nPt
- Portuguese l10n which extends ChatL10n.
- ChatL10nRu
- Russian l10n which extends ChatL10n.
- ChatL10nTr
- Turkish l10n which extends ChatL10n.
- ChatL10nUk
- Ukrainian l10n which extends ChatL10n.
- ChatL10nZhCN
- Simplified Chinese l10n which extends ChatL10n.
- ChatL10nZhTW
- Traditional Chinese l10n which extends ChatL10n.