updatePanelType method

void updatePanelType(
  1. ChatBottomPanelType panelType, {
  2. T? data,
  3. ChatBottomHandleFocus forceHandleFocus = ChatBottomHandleFocus.none,

Update the panel type.

data is used to associate ChatBottomPanelType.other with the data of the externally defined panel type.

For other parameters, please go to _ChatBottomPanelContainerState.updatePanelType to view the description.


void updatePanelType(
  ChatBottomPanelType panelType, {
  T? data,
  ChatBottomHandleFocus forceHandleFocus = ChatBottomHandleFocus.none,
}) {
  this.data = data;
    isIgnoreFocusListener: true,
    forceHandleFocus: forceHandleFocus,