SymbolAnnotationRenderer<D> class

Series renderer which draws a row of symbols for each series below the drawArea but above the bottom axis.

This renderer can draw point annotations and range annotations. Point annotations are drawn at the location of the domain along the chart's domain axis, in the row for its series. Range annotations are drawn as a range shape between the domainLowerBound and domainUpperBound positions along the chart's domain axis. Point annotations are drawn on top of range annotations.

Limitations: Does not handle horizontal bars.

Implemented types


SymbolAnnotationRenderer({String? rendererId, SymbolAnnotationRendererConfig<D>? config})


chart CartesianChart<D>
getter/setter pairinherited
componentBounds Rectangle<int>
Bounding box for drawing this component.
no setter
config PointRendererConfig<D>
drawBounds Rectangle<int>?
no setterinherited
graphicsFactory GraphicsFactory?
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
isRtl bool
no setterinherited
isSeriesRenderer bool
Whether or not this component is a series renderer that draws series data.
no setterinherited
layoutConfig → LayoutViewConfig
Layout params for this component.
no setter
pointRendererDecorators List<PointRendererDecorator<D>>
rendererId String
Unique identifier for this renderer. Any Series on a chart with a matching rendererIdKey will be drawn by this renderer.
getter/setter pairinherited
renderingVertically bool
no setterinherited
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
seriesPointMap LinkedHashMap<String, List<AnimatedPoint<D>>>
Store a map of series drawn on the chart, mapped by series name.
getter/setter pairinherited
symbolRenderer ↔ SymbolRenderer?
Symbol renderer for this renderer.
getter/setter pairinherited


addMeasureValuesFor(MutableSeries<D> series, Axis<num> measureAxis, int startIndex, int endIndex) → void
addPositionToDetailsForSeriesDatum(DatumDetails<D> details, SeriesDatum<D> seriesDatum) → DatumDetails<D>
Adds chart position data to details.
assignMissingColors(Iterable<MutableSeries<D>> seriesList, {required bool emptyCategoryUsesSinglePalette}) → void
Assigns colors to series that are missing their colorFn.
configureDomainAxes(List<MutableSeries<D>> seriesList) → void
Adds the domain values for the given series to the chart's domain axis.
configureMeasureAxes(List<MutableSeries<D>> seriesList) → void
Symbol annotations do not use any measure axes, or draw anything in the main draw area associated with them.
configureSeries(List<MutableSeries<D>> seriesList) → void
Performs basic configuration for the series, before it is pre-processed.
findNearestViewportEnd(Axis<D> domainAxis, AccessorFn<D> domainFn, List<Object?> data) int
findNearestViewportStart(Axis<D> domainAxis, AccessorFn<D> domainFn, List<Object?> data) int
getDetailsForSeriesDatum(SeriesDatum<D> seriesDatum) → DatumDetails<D>
Get an expanded set of processed DatumDetails for a given SeriesDatum.
getNearestDatumDetailPerSeries(Point<double> chartPoint, bool byDomain, Rectangle<int>? boundsOverride, {bool selectOverlappingPoints = false, bool selectExactEventLocation = false}) List<DatumDetails<D>>
Gets a list of the data from each series that is closest to a given point.
getPoint(Object? datum, D? domainValue, D? domainLowerBoundValue, D? domainUpperBoundValue, ImmutableSeries<D> series, ImmutableAxis<D> domainAxis, num? measureValue, num? measureLowerBoundValue, num? measureUpperBoundValue, num? measureOffsetValue, ImmutableAxis<num> measureAxis) → DatumPoint<D>
isPointWithinBounds(Point<double> chartPoint, Rectangle<int>? bounds) bool
Returns true of chartPoint is within the component bounds for this renderer.
layout(Rectangle<int> componentBounds, Rectangle<int> drawAreaBounds) → void
Layout this component.
measure(int maxWidth, int maxHeight) → ViewMeasuredSizes
Measure and return the size of this component.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
onAttach(BaseChart<D> chart) → void
Handles any setup of the renderer that needs to be deferred until it is attached to a chart.
onDetach(BaseChart<D> chart) → void
Handles any clean-up of the renderer that needs to be performed when it is detached from a chart.
paint(ChartCanvas canvas, double animationPercent) → void
Renders the series data on the canvas, using the data generated during the update call.
preprocessSeries(List<MutableSeries<D>> seriesList) → void
Pre-calculates some details for the series that will be needed later during the drawing phase.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.
update(List<ImmutableSeries<D>> seriesList, bool isAnimatingThisDraw) → void
Generates rendering data needed to paint the data on the chart.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.