paint method
Paints the current bar data on the canvas.
void paint(ChartCanvas canvas, double animationPercent) {
// Clean up the bars that no longer exist.
if (animationPercent == 1.0) {
final keysToRemove = HashSet<String>();
_barStackMap.forEach((String key, List<B> barStackList) {
(B bar) => !bar.animatingOut && !bar.targetBar!.measureIsNull!);
if (barStackList.isEmpty) {
// When cleaning up the animation, also clean up the keys used to lookup
// if a bar is selected.
for (final key in keysToRemove) {
_currentGroupsStackKeys.forEach((domain, keys) {
_barStackMap.forEach((String stackKey, List<B> barStack) {
// Turn this into a list so that the getCurrentBar isn't called more than
// once for each animationPercent if the barElements are iterated more
// than once.
final barElements = barStack
.map((B animatingBar) => animatingBar.getCurrentBar(animationPercent))
if (barElements.isNotEmpty) {
paintBar(canvas, animationPercent, barElements);