resetDomains method
void resetDomains() {
if (lockAxis) {
// If the series list changes, clear the cache.
// There are cases where tick formatter has not "changed", but if measure
// formatter provided to the tick formatter uses a closure value, the
// formatter cache needs to be cleared.
// This type of use case for the measure formatter surfaced where the series
// list also changes. So this is a round about way to also clear the
// tick formatter cache.
// TODO: Measure formatter should be changed from a typedef to
// a concrete class to force users to create a new tick formatter when
// formatting is different, so we can recognize when the tick formatter is
// changed and then clear cache accordingly.
// Remove this when bug above is fixed, and verify it did not cause
// regression for b/110371453.
final scale = this.scale!;
reverseOutputRange = false;
if (autoViewport) {
// TODO: Reset rangeband and step size when we port over config
//scale.rangeBandConfig = get range band config
//scale.stepSizeConfig = get step size config